• What is the time commitment for winter basketball?

    PYYB strives to align program offerings with developmentally appropriate time commitments. Winter time commitments are as follows.

    Kindergarten thru Second Grade: Saturday Mornings, January & February

    Third and Fourth Grade: One Day/Week, November thru December; Two Days/Week January thru February

    Fifth and Sixth Grade: Two to Three Days/Week, November thru February

    Seventh and Eighth Grade: Three Days/Week, November/December (Five Days/Week, January/February PYCSD Modified Basketball)

  • What basketball offerings are available in the winter?

    Kindergarten thru Second Grade: Saturday Morning Basketball

    Third and Fourth Grade: Saturday Morning Basketball, Three v. Three Basketball

    Fifth and Sixth Grade: Saturday Morning Basketball, Travel Basketball

    Seventh and Eighth Grade: Travel Basketball, Modified Basketball (offered by PYCSD, not affiliated with our program)

  • What is the difference between Saturday Mornings, Three v. Three and Travel Basketball?

    Saturday Mornings: Hosted in PYCSD Gymnasiums. Focused on skills and drills and individual basketball improvement.

    Three v. Three: Hosted in PYCSD Gymnasiums. Focused on skills and drills, individual and team play and improvement.

    Travel Basketball: Five v. Five Basketball hosted in various gymnasiums in Finger Lakes East and West schools. Focused on skills and drills, individual and team play and improvement.

  • What if I can't afford for my child to play basketball?

    Contact us at pyyouthbasketball@gmail.com

    Explain your situation and let us know you need a scholarship. We pride ourselves on inclusion and never denying an athlete because of financial circumstances.

  • Does my athlete have to participate in Saturday Morning Basketball and three v. three or travel basketball?

    We encourage our of our athletes grades three through six to participate in all offerings, but it is not required.

  • I need help transporting my child to and/or from basketball. Is there any help available?

    We are parents too, and all understand being busy. Please don't let lack of transportation hold you back from allowing your athlete to paritipcate in basketball. Contact us at pyyouthbasketball@gmail.com and we will do our best to help you find a solution.

  • I see that the girls' program is offering something the boys' program isn't or that the boys' program is offering something the girls' program isn't. What's the deal?

    Most likely, this is due to lack of volunteers.

    Let's be honest, it takes a lot of wo/manpower to offer all of these basketball opportunities. Every single year, we struggle to fill all of the volunteer spaces. We encourage anyone who is willing to come help. No basketball experience necessary--we can teach you!

    Contact us at pyyouthbasketball@gmail.com if you are willing to step up.